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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Cox_ba12

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sun 27 Dec 2020 - 15:08

I came across the OS G5 glow plug a while ago and did some research. basically its to run a spark-ignition gas engine without an ignition system. this got me wondering if there would be any practicality to converting a 1/2a (specifically cox) engine to gas power via this plug.
what's your thoughts?

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun 27 Dec 2020 - 15:58

The os g5 plug its Not for gasoline its for nitro fuel in gasoline type engines just sort of convertion To nitro for gasoline ready engines like the évolution .60 nx nitro or gaz 10gx same engine size y dont use gaz engine only nitro diesel engine

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sun 27 Dec 2020 - 16:27

davidll1984 wrote:The os g5 plug its Not for gasoline its for nitro fuel in gasoline type engines just sort of convertion To nitro for gasoline ready engines like the évolution .60 nx nitro or gaz 10gx same engine size y dont use gaz engine only nitro diesel engine

the OS GGT series use gasoline as fuel and the g5 plug as the ignition source...
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun 27 Dec 2020 - 17:45

Os ggt never se Somting like ok y just found the engine it say it run gaz wit glow plug desing for it very strange ?? Huh... tink of try Somting wit Not sur first y was tinking it was to convert from gaz To glow ?? tink u giving me Somting To tink of
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 0:27

So is there really any reason this wouldn’t work?
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 3:24

Wel a cant stop tinking of try Somting y have dud glow plug one y have wit used engines melted coil so tink of try make plug adapter wit y tink its posible y changes Reed valve for steel one used old type fuel tank wit the circlip valve retainer change fuel tube inside now y dont se wy this wouldn’t work? Is no reason To not work y have test nitro in 2stroke cr 250r dirt bike mix gaz wit nitro in m'y test found its posible To get the chemical bond réaction i use klotz nitro wit colinol after aded klotz nitro the gaz look clear clean ratio of fuel To gaz its was start of 50 50 mix nitro To gasoline use les octane posible just winter regular 87 octane in winter Most gasoline in Canada aded aditive for the water To mix litle so gaz Not freeze in Line tink methyl hidrate ? Not sur y use gaz Line antifreeze litle y used klotz tecniplate tink? cant remember y was 20 at that time now 36 old y stil have m'y 250r 1981 bike To get it To start without braking m'y legs wit kick starter retarded the timing after m'y first run of that setup y just cant handle the new rpm curve To mutch power very dangerous if its posible To mix right fuel wit sort of alcool just help the glow plug To work stay glowing on low rpm i wil soon test just Not the time for it now y se on YouTube nitro cars using gasoline mixed wit nitro wit that hase color wite Not mix correct and working som sort so y tink its posible cox engine work wit correct mix update soon litle vidéo if work This Site Rocks! Thumbs Up
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 10:02

I will order one and will try it
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 10:28

robot797 wrote:I will order one and will try it

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 12:26

well seeing that I am currently the one that has a butane and gasoline cox
I feel like I am the one to experiement with it
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:15

robot797 wrote:well seeing that I am currently the one that has a butane and gasoline cox
I feel like I am the one to experiement with it
seems fitting lol
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:17

to bad the G5 are 4 stroke glow plugs
but when I am done with it it will go into my toyan or my boat
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:32

robot797 wrote:agreed
to bad the G5 are 4 stroke glow plugs
but when I am done with it it will go into my toyan or my boat
You have a 4 stroke boat?
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:36

but the engine is dead (almost dead)
and I need to modifie a new engine for watercooling
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:38

robot797 wrote:jep
but the engine is dead (almost dead)
and I need to modifie a new engine for watercooling

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Tue 29 Dec 2020 - 13:46

I also need to reglue the hull
it kind of leaks
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 6:43

I have got my g5 plug
a cox wants to start
but it just cant
it stops after 2 sec (looks like it floods)
but if I lean it out nothing happens
also when it tries and I remove the glow plug it keeps trying to start for over 20 sec
so if it were to start it would work
maybe my compression is not high enough

I am gonna try a 4 stroke engine next
(after my glow driver if fully charged (I had to stop because it was empty)
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 9:19

U try wit just gaz m'y self ordered one g5 plug y made spécial gaz mix for it y use klotz nitro wit coolanol y mix 50 50 30% nitro wit plain gaz after mix nitro wit gaz mix look aze wite color now ad difrent nitro clotz kl_600 just litle bit Not mutch and mix wil react an chemical réaction bound mix now clear  clean Not wite color ad oil like if it mix contain no oil m'y self Not sur for the lol%. Y want tink use 1\3 of the mix like for dieselised engine if To mutch wil ad plain fuel To mix question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug 16108010
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug 16108011 this stuf wil giving its extra pop it need To run try use extra oil like in diesel fuel
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 9:35

these plugs dont like nitro or methanol
they just dont wanna fire with it
they do like 2 stroke gas (I used 1:50)

my 4 stroke ran great on it
until my timing skipped
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 9:38

robot797 wrote:I have got my g5 plug
a cox wants to start
but it just cant
it stops after 2 sec (looks like it floods)
but if I lean it out nothing happens
also when it tries and I remove the glow plug it keeps trying to start for over 20 sec
so if it were to start it would work
maybe my compression is not high enough

I am gonna try a 4 stroke engine next
(after my glow driver if fully charged (I had to stop because it was empty)

Hmm strange.
I might try it myself this summer on a couple different cox setups
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 9:42

Lukemiester wrote:
robot797 wrote:I have got my g5 plug
a cox wants to start
but it just cant
it stops after 2 sec (looks like it floods)
but if I lean it out nothing happens
also when it tries and I remove the glow plug it keeps trying to start for over 20 sec
so if it were to start it would work
maybe my compression is not high enough

I am gonna try a 4 stroke engine next
(after my glow driver if fully charged (I had to stop because it was empty)

Hmm strange.
I might try it myself this summer on a couple different cox setups

I will keep it with my ignition setup
its more reliable
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 10:24

robot797 wrote:
Lukemiester wrote:
robot797 wrote:I have got my g5 plug
a cox wants to start
but it just cant
it stops after 2 sec (looks like it floods)
but if I lean it out nothing happens
also when it tries and I remove the glow plug it keeps trying to start for over 20 sec
so if it were to start it would work
maybe my compression is not high enough

I am gonna try a 4 stroke engine next
(after my glow driver if fully charged (I had to stop because it was empty)

Hmm strange.
I might try it myself this summer on a couple different cox setups

I will keep it with my ignition setup
its more reliable

What fuel do you use with these gas coxes?
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 10:31

It need 50 50 mix of nitro fuel wit gaz and Somting like methyl hidrate gaz Line antifreeze To mix fuel wit gaz no sub piston induction try wit clotz nitro m'y mix look Good just wating the os g5 plug To test the mix y made tink tuned pipe can help
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 10:32

a mix of 1:20 a 1:50 (gasoline-oil)

depends on if i care for the engine ore not
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 10:36

davidll1984 wrote:It need 50 50 mix of nitro fuel wit gaz and Somting like methyl hidrate gaz Line antifreeze To mix fuel wit gaz no sub piston induction try wit clotz nitro m'y mix look Good just wating the os g5 plug To test the mix y made tink tuned pipe can help

that is whay to little oil
if your nitro has 20% oil
your fuel wlll only have 10%

a corectly converted engine
will run on normal 2 stroke mix
and adding extra's changes the run profile

with my experiments on gasoline a cox needs its needle 1/3 turns open
and the same engine needs 2.5 turns on nitro
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat 16 Jan 2021 - 11:32

Never use 2stroke oil that is Not made To mix wit alcools nitro gaz use like wit ipone and klotz benol castor oil dont use oil contaning détergent no thecniplate oil no 100% sintetique oil just pur castor oil its Not Good the engine tink wil run hot and dont mix like normal gaz engine dont count oil in nitro fuel is les than 10% of the mix after 50 50 gaz To nitro fuel just use it like is no oil after mix use like 1\3 of the mix oil 50ml nitro 50 ml gaz 50 ml oil plus aditive for the cemical réaction like 3 table spoon of the clotz nitro kl_600 sur that tink is chance To work no spi sub piston induction or presure from tuned pipe gaz is Not stable like nitro wit heat and sparks
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