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New England local Precision Aerobatics
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New England local Precision Aerobatics
I recently contacted "Dave Cook" of "N.E.S.T" (New England Stunt Team) of which I was a member a LONG time ago. Dave is now 84 years old. I asked him if the club still flew on Sundays in Wrentham, MA. He put me in touch with "Damien Sheehy" who handles the scheduling and such... I emailed Damien, and heard back from him within hours... (on Halloween night)
Our exchange:
Hi Damian,
My name is Roger Jordan, I am 53 years old and was a N.E.S.T. member from Norfolk, MA back in the early-mid 1990's. I had lost touch with all members except Dave Cook. (haven't actually seen Dave since then) Dave and I recently had an email exchange, where I asked about flying activities at the Wrentham field, this late in the season. I now live in N.W. Rhode Island (N. Smithfield) about a 30 min. drive. I would enjoy (as a spectator) watching some flying, and possibly seeing Dave again... I also remember "Ron Connors", Dave Midgely", and another fella named "Clay". Are they still around? (I forgot to ask Dave about them)
I have a recent renewed interest in the hobby, and joined CEF (Cox Engine Forum) an international forum with lots of C/L Precision Aerobatics chatter/topics. My member-name there is "Roddie". https://www.coxengineforum.com/
I would like to be involved again on some level. My AMA membership lapsed back then as well... I plan on renewing it for 2014. I haven't flown in 10+ years... and have never competed in a contest.
Let me know what's happening, if you would... "Building" and designing is something I've managed to stay active with... over the years.
Thank You Damian, I look forward to meeting you. If you were a N.E.S.T. member back then... and happen to "remember me"... please accept my apology... my memory isn't what it used to be.
Kind regards,
Hi Roger,
I just love getting an email from anyone interested in getting back into control line. This is my third season back and before that I didn't fly a plane since I was a teen, I'm 47 now. I thought it was funny you put down your age, because in this hobby one could easily be assumed to be 80. Flying for the season has pretty much wound up. Saturday looks great, but unfortunately I have to take my kids to a cub scout and boy scout event. Weather takes a plunge on Sunday.
NEST now has a website www.tinyurl.com/newenglandstuntteam check it out.
The competitions are not as well attended when you were a member back in the 90's, but it's still a lot of fun to get out with friends on the weekends. I am learning the pattern and flying a Nobler and Fox 35 at the moment. It's a beautiful flying plane, it gives me plenty time to think. I am learning the pattern and i've completed the beginner's pattern this year.
I haven't built an .049 plane since I've gotten back, but I have a really nice Pinto kit I want to build. The plane is a mini version of the Oriental and I think it will fly well with a TD .049.
Ron Connors passed away several years ago and Clay Rheaume passed away a little over a year ago; just two years older than you and what a shame. Clay was like a mentor to me, he would be at the field on Sunday mornings to help me out when no one else was around.
Woody Midgley is not flying as he suffers from arthritis and his son Dave hasn't been flying in several years. It would be nice to get an email from him!
Too bad it's late in the day otherwise I would give you a call. We had kids around at the door all night. . .
I will give you a call sometime this weekend. If we don't get a good day sometime soon we can meet up at Dunkin some weekend. I could stay talking about stunt planes over coffee all day.
Oh,Dave Cook is doing well at 84, he looks after himself. He has been to the field many times this year, but I just saw him fly once. He may have been out another few times with Leon.
Talk to you soon, Roger!
All the best,
Our exchange:
Hi Damian,
My name is Roger Jordan, I am 53 years old and was a N.E.S.T. member from Norfolk, MA back in the early-mid 1990's. I had lost touch with all members except Dave Cook. (haven't actually seen Dave since then) Dave and I recently had an email exchange, where I asked about flying activities at the Wrentham field, this late in the season. I now live in N.W. Rhode Island (N. Smithfield) about a 30 min. drive. I would enjoy (as a spectator) watching some flying, and possibly seeing Dave again... I also remember "Ron Connors", Dave Midgely", and another fella named "Clay". Are they still around? (I forgot to ask Dave about them)
I have a recent renewed interest in the hobby, and joined CEF (Cox Engine Forum) an international forum with lots of C/L Precision Aerobatics chatter/topics. My member-name there is "Roddie". https://www.coxengineforum.com/
I would like to be involved again on some level. My AMA membership lapsed back then as well... I plan on renewing it for 2014. I haven't flown in 10+ years... and have never competed in a contest.
Let me know what's happening, if you would... "Building" and designing is something I've managed to stay active with... over the years.
Thank You Damian, I look forward to meeting you. If you were a N.E.S.T. member back then... and happen to "remember me"... please accept my apology... my memory isn't what it used to be.
Kind regards,
Hi Roger,
I just love getting an email from anyone interested in getting back into control line. This is my third season back and before that I didn't fly a plane since I was a teen, I'm 47 now. I thought it was funny you put down your age, because in this hobby one could easily be assumed to be 80. Flying for the season has pretty much wound up. Saturday looks great, but unfortunately I have to take my kids to a cub scout and boy scout event. Weather takes a plunge on Sunday.
NEST now has a website www.tinyurl.com/newenglandstuntteam check it out.
The competitions are not as well attended when you were a member back in the 90's, but it's still a lot of fun to get out with friends on the weekends. I am learning the pattern and flying a Nobler and Fox 35 at the moment. It's a beautiful flying plane, it gives me plenty time to think. I am learning the pattern and i've completed the beginner's pattern this year.
I haven't built an .049 plane since I've gotten back, but I have a really nice Pinto kit I want to build. The plane is a mini version of the Oriental and I think it will fly well with a TD .049.
Ron Connors passed away several years ago and Clay Rheaume passed away a little over a year ago; just two years older than you and what a shame. Clay was like a mentor to me, he would be at the field on Sunday mornings to help me out when no one else was around.
Woody Midgley is not flying as he suffers from arthritis and his son Dave hasn't been flying in several years. It would be nice to get an email from him!
Too bad it's late in the day otherwise I would give you a call. We had kids around at the door all night. . .
I will give you a call sometime this weekend. If we don't get a good day sometime soon we can meet up at Dunkin some weekend. I could stay talking about stunt planes over coffee all day.
Oh,Dave Cook is doing well at 84, he looks after himself. He has been to the field many times this year, but I just saw him fly once. He may have been out another few times with Leon.
Talk to you soon, Roger!
All the best,
Re: New England local Precision Aerobatics
Excellent Roddie !
Go that sucker Bookmarked !!!
Go that sucker Bookmarked !!!
Kim- Top Poster
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Join date : 2011-09-06
Location : South East Missouri
Re: New England local Precision Aerobatics
If you visit the New England Stunt Team home page, www.tinyurl.com/newenglandstuntteam you will notice the number 500. I learned recently, that the original club was named the "500 Club"... At that time, you needed 500 earned competition points in C/L Precision Aerobatics, to become a member. That must have been quite an elite flying club back then!
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