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"Seal-All" contact adhesive Empty "Seal-All" contact adhesive

Post  roddie Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:41 pm

I've wanted to share my experience with this product since I joined CEF.. but it's not exactly for modelling applications.

"Seal-All" contact adhesive Seal-a10

Although the description states "Contact-Adhesive and Sealant"... it hardens to a surface that can be sanded/primed/painted.

I had a leaking metal fuel-tank in an old lawn-tractor, that I successfully sealed using this product. The leak was coming from the bottom. I removed the tank and pressed an "awl" against several places on the bottom-panel. The "leak-area" punctured very easily.. but was isolated to a small area, in my case.

I wire-brushed the area down to bare metal, using a power-drill fitted with a wire-brush/mandrel. This revealed more pin-holes of porosity.. but otherwise solid metal. Being a "modeler" by this time; I had some K & S sheet-Brass on hand. I think it was .010" thickness. I cut an oversize "round-cornered" patch, and roughed-it-up with coarse sandpaper and applied a coat of the Seal-All. After applying the patch, I spread more sealant around the edges. Once dry; it hardened to a surface that could be finish-sanded/primed/painted. The tank was "gloss-black".. so I just touched it up with some gloss-black engine-enamel.

I don't know where the machine ended-up after my divorce...  but I used it for a few years prior, without another leak.

I miss that machine..  Crying or Very sad It was a small Simplicity ride-on.. built like a TANK. A 1971 vintage "Yeoman-series" #637.. not the big Landlord type with larger-displacement/horiz. output-shaft.. but nonetheless; it had an 8-hp Briggs & Stratton "vertical-shaft" engine.. and a bottom-located pulley/idler system that was VERY easy to adjust and service. The machine also had a single-stage snow-thrower that worked reasonably well.. even in wet-snow.. as long as it was kept ahead-of. The mower-deck had three 12" blades for a 36" cut. There were Zerk-fittings for greasing the mower-deck shafts, which had replaceable upper and lower bearings. The rear-diff. used std. gear-oil.. and its cast-iron case had a removable threaded-plastic plug at the top, just behind the gear-selector; removable via a 1/2"-drive ratchet extension.

It looked like this one.. except there were V-tread rear tires on mine. I had tire-chains for the Winter. It was a 4-season machine.. and generally started on the "first-pull".. in any temperature.

"Seal-All" contact adhesive Simpli10

Most of you guys can relate to this ramble... There's a special bond that's created between a man and his yard-machines.

Now for some reality... my wife just informed me.. that she wants help cleaning several areas where one (??) of our cats "threw-up"...

A "short-story".. A few nights ago.. I awoke; early morning to use the bathroom. While "sitting there".. I chanced to glance down and to the left.. actually at the entry to the bathroom where I'd stepped.. just moments before. There was something there on the linoleum floor..  Shocked Further investigation confirmed that it was the south-half of a small rodent.. (paws/tail....... fur.. ) It looked like it might be the remains of a grey N. Smithfield Mole... but I wasn't completely awake.. and couldn't be sure.. All I knew was.. if my wife sees it... I will be "called-on" in a particularly frantic-freaked-out and hysterical manner.. to dispose of the poor unfortunate critter. So.. like a good husband.. (I could have claimed that I never saw the dismembered-furry "little" corpse..) I proceed to remove the carnage using "Bounty" paper-towels.. and a zipper sandwich bag.. (I'm givin' ya' pearls here guys..) but I did make one mistake.. I told my wife about it.

Don't be like "this" Roddie..  

"Seal-All" contact adhesive 4-12-010

or "this" Roddie..

"Seal-All" contact adhesive Rog_bi10

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Post  Marleysky Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:34 pm

Yeow! This summer the kitty who calls us his, discovered how to hook his claws into the sliding door screen door. So, after a few passionate Meows, if no one opens the screen, he'll just put a paw on the screen and slide it open and let himself in.  Sometimes he'll bring inside a new "toy" to play with, or just want to eat dinner indoors. One night he left his left overs on the carpet just outside our bedroom door (another door he's learned to push open) In the morning when my wife walked out of the bedroom and stepped on the south end of a half eaten rabbit......the scream was earspliting, the entrails splurged out over the carpet and wall.  After I found out she wasn't hurt, I couldn't stop laughing, but the next day I ended up looking like "that Roddie" when she handed me the carpet cleaners bill!
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"Seal-All" contact adhesive Empty Re: "Seal-All" contact adhesive

Post  RknRusty Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:45 pm

roddie wrote:I've wanted to share my experience with this product since I joined CEF.. but it's not exactly for modelling applications.

"Seal-All" contact adhesive Seal-a10

Although the description states "Contact-Adhesive and Sealant"... it hardens to a surface that can be sanded/primed/painted.

I had a leaking metal fuel-tank in an old lawn-tractor, that I successfully sealed using this product. The leak was coming from the bottom. I removed the tank and pressed an "awl" against several places on the bottom-panel. The "leak-area" punctured very easily.. but was isolated to a small area, in my case............
I used some of that stuff to seal a venturi leak on the ReFried Bean's Big Mig venturi, but the fuel dissolved it right away. It's in a drawer, never having been used again. I suspect nitromethane is not on its list of things to seal.

I got a good laugh out of "Don't be this Roddie." Lol Good one.

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