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Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

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Thinking Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  fredvon4 Wed May 03, 2017 1:17 pm

Point in a second

Realizing there is a younger crowd reading  ( OK maybe I think I am too compelling a member to NOT read what I write, and may be this is a wrong assumption)

But for anyone without the mileage many of us old cooters have are a few thoughts and lessons I mostly learned the hard way, even as I am/was what I think a very no sorta....OK NOT so smart person

As I sit here I am yet again recovering from some dumb moment where I managed to damage myself quite severely

Lack of fear?
Just old and NOT paying attention?
One too many drinkey poos?
Distracted, tired, ?

Well probably all of the above for the latest PHRED is a Dumb [bleep] damage

Both of my hands tell a 40 year long story (seeing I am approaching 62) maybe longer ---but I tend to think the road rash from crashed tricycles, bicycles, skate boards, go carts, mini bikes as just scar and character building events any 1850~1960 kid went through

Listed in no particular chronological order: (just as I look at my healing finger)
1. Very deep gash left top of thumb from drawing a Xacto knife toward instead of away
2. Left hand pinky sliced to the bone from Box cutter....hand surgery, micro nerve and tendon re-connection but finger no longer extends, but will grip
3. Left hand index finger end tip removed in NO guard Skill saw after cut off 2x4

4. Point of this post...Last week left hand middle finger reduced 3/8th of an inch when board kicked back on Jointer NOT using a pusher stick and that 3600RPM  3 bladed thingy was very efficient at reducing stock....!!!

5. Left hand 3rd finger reconstructed after MC crash of 2014... permanently frozen straight...But hell it has grip and feeling...hand surgeon staring to think I may need mental health care and said so

OK this is getting long enough to loose viewers

NO pictures!

I guess we all need to revisit from time to time the importance of EYES-Hands --and ALL the rest of our bodies

OK add your stories

Surprisingly my Right hand (and I am right handed) has survived these 62 years ---- just road rashes and mashed but it still fully articulates and has all the meat n bone I was born the arthritis in THAT hand is getting pretty annoying

Last edited by fredvon4 on Thu May 04, 2017 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  Kim Wed May 03, 2017 1:47 pm

Seems like a totally normal life to me...

Most of my 'mistake' injuries have healed, though I still have a dead nerve spot on my right index finger from reaching THROUGH instead of AROUND the prop arc of my Lazy Bee's full-bore O.S. .10 to attempt a needle valve adjustment.

APC props have little mercy for the complacent !!!!

Dead Finger Kim
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  pkrankow Wed May 03, 2017 3:09 pm

Road rash... LOL. Yes, lots from growing up. I have significantly less road rash from after getting toe clips on the pedals of my bike.

I HATE t-posts, particularly the flat stamped ones that are often used for drift fence / crowd control fence post. I grabbed one and sliced through 3 fingers, have nerve damage in the tip of my middle finger.

I was getting a tire down at work and managed to slip, grab the top of a shelf post, and tear a huge flap out of my hand. The ER Doc who stitched me up was getting the willies because lidocane doesn't do much to me and I could feel what he was doing. He made it crooked so I have an "interesting" scar. The doc ain't supposed to go bloodless white while stitching you up.

I have a crooked fingerprint because a razor knife was left open in a tool box. Taped the rather large flap back on and it stayed in place. Same middle finger as the nerve damage.

Years ago in high school shop class the teacher has us make a list of body parts that we are willing to loose and not loose from improper PPE. I felt that hair was acceptable as it grows back, and I thought it funny at the time. He made students with more smart a** responses wear eyepatches and blindfolds, tie hands behind the back, wear mittens, and other silly stuff to see how much they could do. I just got the evil eye!

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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  akjgardner Wed May 03, 2017 4:54 pm

I used to run around all summer with half toes too. They would grow back in the winter but come next summer they where ground down again. Iv'e had 2 exacto mishaps and a utility knife wound while roofi ng my house.
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Thinking 178 days since my last accident

Post  fredvon4 Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:34 pm

During a few of my jobs, well actually all of them... Even the Army maintenance...we had to follow OSHA rules and in some cases have a "days of accident free" activity posted in the shop or out side

We tax payers spent a lot of $$$ sending me to safety Nazi schools

Human behavior
Risk managment
Industrial safety considerations
Aircraft Crash investigation
Post accident investigation
Laws regarding employee conduct, injuries, and compensation

I was even sent to cross service schools...some Navy, some Air Force

You would think, with this training background, I would be personally safer than the average Joe..

And true that by following some safety concepts religiously I am in better shape than those that did not..

BUT as I review all my personal injuries over the years...well let's just say...I am still just an average Joe...

1972~73 drafted... first occupation--- LOUD assed Field Artillery.....Sergeant would literally kick you butt IF you did not wear your hearing protection

Later in Helicopter maintenance I was "that Sergeant"... if you work around a running turbine engine you BETTER have your hearing protection on...

I attribute ALL my hearing loss to Rock Concerts...notably up front at Johnny Winter 20 feet from the tower of speakers at 150Db+ during a long version of Frankenstein

Fred... dumb enough to fire an engine and REACH over to the NVA to adjust

Still doing dumb stuff since 1955...

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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  Ken Cook Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:35 pm

Yesterday, the Philly Fliers had their annual combat contest. It was a beautiful day and attendance was medium. There's been a lot more flyers in the past but with Huntersville taking place the turnout was missing a few. The 1st match started out and my son was the pitman on this particular match. The flyer stuffed the plane in to avoid a head on and in doing so broke the prop when the plane went in. Quickly, my son attended the plane and unbolted the prop and put the new one on. The pilot decided to come in from the center and start his engine. I personally feel this was a poor decision . In his adrenaline state, he began flipping frantically. When a plane is on bladder and it stalls for whatever reason, the fuel is still flowing. If the crank window is open, the engine is going to be flooded. So, he's flipping with no glove or finger protector and he stuck his hand into the prop when it fired thus taking a sizeable chunk from his finger and protruding knuckles. At this point, there's nothing left to stitch due to a lot of meat being removed. APC prop, which was the thin styled N series and it wasn't sanded. The props NEED to be sanded. There's just no excuse for that, I've been cut through a glove but not to the level he was. Seeing that were on the clock, one of the flyers mentioned that using the glove is wasting time. That made me laugh actually. I work with my hands and I can't have cuts like that doing what I do.

Accidents happen and they will continue to happen unless you curb yourself or others from making them. Backflipping the prop is the easiest way to avoid what happened here, yes it would've taken a few seconds longer but this couldn't of happened in doing so. Safety is important and I see these propeller issues on a too frequent basis. One in particular at Brodak's was so bad the person had to be flown by heli. Just remember, the little ones can be equally dangerous.
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  fredvon4 Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:22 pm

Ken IS so spot on--- and the heat of battle does not help.... I was astounded, like most are, at the first time I saw a Nelson .36c fired... what a mean and powerful engine...!!!!

Most of the time set to fire to full RPM with a pretty lethal prop mounted... sometimes catching the plane holder unaware and a fairly scary pull forward for the entire craft toward the starter before it is pulled back and held firm

I watched a Bladder grabber start where Doss Porter nearly lost is nipples as the plane ate his tee shirt from the strong sudden pull forward...and we have all seen the finger bites...some not so bad and like Ken noted some needing extensive medical attention..

The .15 sized and 1/2a speed, racing, and combat engines can be pretty hairy also as they scream to life at some damned impressive RPMs and very small thin sharp glass combat props mounted

For some reason on a test stand I ALWAYS move to behind the prop to adjust... insanely when I stooge start I reach over...a very bad habit  that I am sure will bite me some day

no glove, chicken stick, e-finger---- been there and it taught me to dull the prop first... some are wicked sharp
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  rsv1cox Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:16 pm

Scratches, that all you guys got to offer????

How about getting run over by a Buick in 1942 when many doctors were at war.  Missing half the calf on a right leg with present day scars from knee cap to ankle. A vertical scar from naval to points south.  A direct transfusion from Mom to me, too little time to get a blood type. Dr. to Mom and Dad - at least your son still has a spleen.  

A broken shoulder with months in a cast.

Three plates and 13 screws holding a smashed ankle together.  

And the worst...............A prostate biopsy that made the above feel like a trip to a spa.  20 years ago and proved nothing.  Not going through that again.......

I could throw in some small propeller induced scars and a trick finger that won't work right, a result from block sanding a Corvette.

Overall I have been darned lucky and have 0 reason to complain.
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  rsv1cox Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:11 am

What? Nobodies going to call me on this?

I know there are people here that would welcome a Buick hit if they knew they would be returned to full health within a year. What have you become, a bunch of guys unwilling to hurt the old guys feelings? I feel devastated and somewhat honored.

Robert - senile and happy about it. Smile
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  fredvon4 Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:05 pm

You had me at the biopsy

cringed and had to go read something else

senile myazz you are sharper than some I know 20 years your for example
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  rsv1cox Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:45 pm

fredvon4 wrote:You had me at the biopsy

cringed and had to go read something else

senile   myazz  you are sharper than some I know 20 years your for example

Smile Smile

Twelve needles where the sun doesn't shine Fred. Sad

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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  Marleysky Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:19 pm

rsv1cox wrote:What?  Nobodies going to call me on this?

I know there are people here that would welcome a Buick hit if they knew they would be returned to full health within a year.  What have you become, a bunch of guys unwilling to hurt the old guys feelings?  I feel devastated and somewhat honored.

Robert - senile and happy about it.  Smile

Oh sure, just catching up on the news. Ok, Toughguy, if it had been a Linclon, not a Buick, you'd have a noticeable limp. Can't think of anything to say about that prostate biopsy other than OWCH! Yes, you are being honored for showing us we have to try to keep up with you!
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  crankbndr Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:39 pm

Ive had many accidents and probably shouldn't be here, just lucky. Ive had two prostate biopsy 8 years apart, PSA is 6 (oooohhhh mmmyyy!!).
The first was so bad I made the Doc for the second one put me under, he plowed me a good one. Couldn't walk right for a few days and now can't go far from a toilet and it been six months.
And o ya no cancer. I will not have another no matter what!!
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  rsv1cox Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:18 am

Thanks CB and Rene,

I have to keep active, just built a four foot high retaining wall out of concrete blocks to keep the propane tank from slipping down the banking. Took 13 loads of top soil to fill it up all lugged from the dirt pile out back. Parged it yesterday morning. ATV and cart made it easy.

Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not Wall_m12

I haven't seen a 6 in years CB. My last was 11 and change. It's been as high as 13. Stats are that 50% of men past 50 have BPH.

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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  balogh Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:41 am


And the worst...............A prostate biopsy that made the above feel like a trip to a spa.  20 years ago and proved nothing.  Not going through that again.......


Had that in 2009 before actually getting diagnosed with prostate cancer....Funny thing with lots of man of my age waiting for their turn sitting with our thighs held firmly together, while the buzz of a sewing machine is heard through the door of the surgery room where they do the biopsy....I wont repeat it....simply because they removed it and I am  OK with no cancer symptom since my operation exactly 8 years ago on my 51st birthday Oct 22 2009..
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  KariFS Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:42 pm

Glad you made it Andras, and sorry we missed your birthday.

Happy Birthday! Beer Cheers
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  balogh Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:52 pm

Thanks Kari

I only mentioned my birthday because I was truly reborn on that day after the succesful cancer surgery .

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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  balogh Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:05 pm

Thanks Kari

I only mentioned my birthday because I was truly reborn on that day after the succesful cancer surgery .

And to admit my stupidity is the story that 10 days after the key-hole surgery I lifted my garden irrigation pump in its underground pit and blew the stiches on my abdomen open...had a freaking pain but it did not stop me from going skiing in the mountains the next month...if at least I had not come from a family of doctors...but yes I join the crowd of slightly irresponsible, uncaring people here Very Happy
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  rsv1cox Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:14 pm

balogh wrote:Thanks Kari

I only mentioned my birthday because I was truly reborn on that day after the succesful cancer surgery .

And to admit my stupidity is the story that 10 days after the key-hole surgery I lifted my garden irrigation pump in its underground pit and blew the stiches on my abdomen open...had a freaking pain but ir did not stop me to go skiing in the mountains the next month...if at least I had not come from a family of doctors...but yes I join the crowd of slightly irresponsible, uncaring people here Very Happy

Your a man after my own heart.  I opened up some stitches on my back doing about the same thing.  Doc said he couldn't stitch the thing up again and just let it heal from the outside in.  Quite a scar back there now.  

That's great news and was the time to have it done when your in your youngish 50's.  

Yes, happy Birthday, we are October guys.  Smile
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  balogh Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:26 pm

Thanks Bob

Happy birthday to you too...and having seen the Rolling Stones last month - together with 95000 people in Austria- performing in their tender age of 74 I am only reassured that listening to rock'n'roll and flying COX engines will preserve your youth and keep you healrhy for unpredictable times Very Happy
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  balogh Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:28 pm

Thanks Bob

Happy birthday to you too...and having seen the Rolling Stones last month - together with 95000 people in Spielberg Austria-  performing in their tender age of 74 I am only reassured that listening to rock'n'roll and flying COX engines will preserve your youth and keep you healthy for unpredictable times Very Happy
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Thinking Re: Admission of stupidity...well maybe maybe not

Post  Oldenginerod Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:11 pm

I've got nothing compared to any of that. Getting a knee scraped next month but after 39 years of mechanicing I've never needed stitches. My closest to breaking a bone was a headbut to the nose. Didn't find out that had been broken for 20 years during a routine inspection.
Just to add to the "October guys" list, mine slipped by on the 16th. Brought up the old 55, which reminds me, about time for a prostate check Sad
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