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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  RknRusty Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:44 pm

RknRusty from last December, 2017 wrote:I'm Back!
I got home from surgery about 8 or 9 Friday night. Though some of these come-back threads with similar titles have fallen flat, this time it appears permanent as long as I don't bust the other leg. My left Femur is screwed together with a compression plate... yadayada...
Well the good news is I haven't busted my right hip. The bad news is my impressive progress from late spring and early summer has inexplicably been sliding, and today the Doc explicted it to me, after I collapsed on Wednesday getting out of bed, why that is. All the screws and clamps in my hip are coming loose and I'm clanking around like the Tin Man. On a walker, shuffling slowly like a major geezer.

Options are slim and not confidence building. Option one is to be crippled till I croak... Nope! The only other option is a full hip replacement. But aside from the soft bones we know I have from the 33 years on dialysis(which is off of all charts and studies, as it's never been done(except those extended by x-plants)), artificial heart valve, there are many other underlying infection risks. This is gonna be risky. We'll be doing it in about 3 weeks. About the time of the Huntersville contest. That sucks too. If I get to go before the surgery, I can only sit on wheelchair row, the front bench under the shed.

I have too many things I haven't done yet, so I'll buck it up and lean into the wind and try to get through it again. One more time. I'm tired, but I think I can do it. It's going to be another long winter, but I've already got my flu and pneumonia shots. There's still a lot of stuff I haven't finished doing yet. And I'll still be doing my show, which is good for my head, and I'll be checking on you guys whenever I can.

This all sounds terribly whiny, but I wanted y'all to know what's going on. So that's enough about it.
See y'all later,

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Kim Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:13 am

Well, it does sound good and bad. I guess the next three weeks are for prep and all, and hope you keep checking in here.

Yep, you DO have a huge program of stuff to do after this is out of the way, and I'm hoping for the best speed in your getting there.

AND, if you don't mind, could I again get instructions (on a neanderthal level) or referral to the thread of how and when to contact your show. While I HAVE graduated from dial-up to an I-Phone Hot-Spot, my computer, still may be a bit slow.

Wishing you the best my ole bud.
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  getback Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:14 am

Damn it Man ! You are a tough ole bird and can do this !! Look forward to hearing how good your doing after things level out . Eric ….. Kim here ya go scroll down to the bottom RC Plane sunny
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Kim Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:21 am

getback wrote:Damn it Man ! You are a tough ole bird and can do this !! Look forward to hearing how good your doing after things level out . Eric ….. Kim here ya go scroll down to the bottom    RC Plane sunny

Thank you!
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Marleysky Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:34 am

Well Rusty, Here’s to you and a fast and solid recovery!  Rattling around like the Tin Man, what a visual that makes.  The surgeon who did my wife’s knee is known for his extreme measures to eliminate the possibility of infections which included a at home anti biotic prewash of the area of the mid calf to mid thigh, then a full surgical scrub before surgery. Both my Sister-in-law and mother had their knees replaced a second time due to “loose hardware “ I assumed they used JB weld the 2nd time in place of the medium CA used in the first go around. Good to hear your getting prepared for the bumps in the road ahead as planning and positive thinking about your future will go along way to a great recovery.  As the Brits and AC/DC say, Keep a Stiff upper lip!!
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty RE: The Good News and the Bad News

Post  66 Malibu Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:22 am

After two total knee replacements, I understand fully what you're going through and what you're looking at.
By the Grace of God, a year from now you'll look back at this time as a speed bump in the road !!!
All the best Man !!!!
Godspeed, Steve...……………….
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Dave P. Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:10 pm

33 years of dialysis! You ARE one tough bird. That's remarkable Rusty, even for a full-on redneck. I'll put in a word or two for you next time I talk with the Man Upstairs. Do keep us posted.
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  rsv1cox Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:36 pm

Rusty, if your anything like me misery doesn't like company but I'm going to give you some.

About 25 years ago I fell off a ladder catching my right leg between the rungs on the way down.  Snapped it like a matchstick just above the ankle.  3 plates and 13 screws plus a piece of my hip bone hold it together to this day.

Last month my 61 year old daughter fractured her femur just below the socket.  One plate and two pins. Been running her to doctor visits ever since.

And, an attempt at humor.  Poor blind Spike had his anal glands "expressed" this morning.  He's been dragging butt lately.  Cute little vet assistant did the job.  Spike protested mightily. Fingers where the sun doesn't shine.  

Reminded my of my prostate biopsy 20 years ago, only the fingers were needles.  Nine of them.  Doc wants to do another this month, only this time he says twelve.  Sad

Wishing you the best.


Oh, BTW I turned 81 today. Never thought about it until the kids started calling with Happy Birthdays. Here's a flash kids. "Happy" birthdays end at 60, sometimes less.
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  fredvon4 Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:11 pm

Gawd Damn it Rusty! I am balling like a baby as I write this....these last few years I keep loosing friends and my own health is just about as totally FUBAR as many I know , love, respect admire.... you sir are one of my personal heros

I really need you to dig in and FIGHT brother I mean it....

You life story has inspired me in many many ways....damn it I am gonna go plow a Ringmaster around and around and probably fall down doing it
Have to enlist son as I can no long bend over to start a glow engine
Prayers brother...fight sir fight....!
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  RknRusty Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:23 pm

Thanks, guys,
I checked in earlier today and read your replies. It's good to have y'all pulling for me,and that helps kick me in the ass to keep fighting too. I'm just passing through now, but I'll return later with a couple of individual replies.


As for the show, it's broadcast on Youtube starting at 9:40 Eastern US time every Monday and Friday. You can go to the Stunt Hangar YouTube channel home page and watch live and communicate with us via the Text Chat Box, and I try to incorporate that into our discussions. Here's the YouTube link:

To join us via Mic and Cam, you have to be logged into the Stunthangar control line forum to get the link. Here it is:

Each show will have the day's date in the title, and it only appears at 9:40 pm, the moment the show begins. So if the newest post is an old one, try again in a minute or two.

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Admin Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:22 pm

Oh man Rusty, I'm sorry to hear all this. You've gone through more than your share of hell. You must be one tough son of a. If you made it this far, I can't imagine you would let this set you back.

Whatever you do, Make sure you go through ALL the physical therapy.

I'll be praying for you like I know many others on here will be. I don't know where the forum would be without you.

Keep us updated!

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  EXModelEngines Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:38 pm

Best of luck Rusty
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  NEW222 Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:53 pm

Wishing you the best and a very speedy recovery Rusty!
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  1/2A Nut Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:31 pm

All the best Rusty,

I hope you are able to embrace the solution, maybe tough to undergo but blesses you with
years of mobility and happy joyous moments that you and the skilled surgeon made happen!
Get that hip surgery have a speedy recovery with good meds, vitamins even some snake oil it if helps!!!
Blue berries, bananas, apples, dark greens.. roll some up if need be just get well and fly your fleet again!

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  RknRusty Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:58 pm

Haha, yeah, anything I can swallow, smoke, or rub on my belly! Love you guys.

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Kim Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:29 am

Hopefully, next time, I'll have enough "Computer ZIP" to fully join in on your Show!
Greatly enjoyed listening!!! "Pigment from Snail Shells"...who knew ??????????????
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  RknRusty Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:16 am

Kim wrote:Dude!  
Hopefully, next time, I'll have enough "Computer ZIP" to fully join in on your Show!  
Greatly enjoyed listening!!!  "Pigment from Snail Shells"...who knew ??????????????
Lol, yeah man, some nights you can learn an eclectic range of knowledge from these nuts. Other nights are like comedy hour, and sometimes it's a little slow, you never can tell. Thanks for watching. I noticed we had more of the silent Youtube viewers than usual last night, maybe some more CEFers were watching. Are you a member of Stunthangar forum?

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Marleysky Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:01 am

Yup, I was a silent You Tuber! Was watching on a 10 year old iPad that’s slower than slow. Stayed on and was watching / listening until I tried to multi task and lookup gun Cotten and nitrocellulose on google/wickipedia. I’m probably on a watch list for looking up boom making materials cause the computer locked up and I couldn’t get back to SH. When I did reboot and jump back in, I was a few minutes off cause I was hearing the same conversation I’d listen to earlier. Idk, maybe I joined the recording and not the live show. Anyway, it was great to see and hear you guys , fun place to hangout !  From Nitro cellulose to....pigment from snail shells?.  and everything in between! Cool Dudes
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Dave P. Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:11 am

I was watching too, until around 1. Very entertaining! Learned some stuff too, about guitars, 2K (or was it K2?) and butyrate vs nitrate. I'm still a little unclear as to the difference. My experience with selecting different types of dope consists basically of clear or colored, quart can or little bottle. I'll be watching from now on.

Thanks for doing that Rusty!
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  RknRusty Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:18 am

It never occurred to me we were discussing a subject that could raise a red flag, but you're right, it probably did. Catching badguys in the planning stages is a high priority. However I doubt if it had anything to do with your computer stumbling. You'd have to be a pretty stupid badguy to talk shop on Google hangouts or YouTube.

2K means two part, for reasons I don't know. I think it can be a urethane or epoxy based clearcoat. Super tough stuff.
I'm glad y'all are watching.

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  fredvon4 Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:14 am

As sure as I am that the NSA or Homeland BOTs flag certain words or pipe and bomb... there just set a flag... They better darned well be using out tax bucks to human see CONTEXT and move on to next flag....

BUT my gut sez...just shear volume per way could they bother with simple flags like I exampled...the BOT is probably already programmed for some form of context and probably a cross check to known or suspected bad guy data base

There are thousands of web sites, You Tube, catalogs, recipe, on the subject of ammo reloading, Black powder shooting, gun making, amateur model rocketry...Anvil Launching....look that one up...they be crazy dudes

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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  roddie Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:19 pm

Rusty, my heart's breaking for ya' man. I wish you the best.
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The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters Empty Re: The good news, the bad news, and the Oysters

Post  Ken Cook Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:05 pm

Anvil launching, hahaha that's pretty funny. Like something from a Roadrunner cartoon. ACME Anvil.
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Post  Oldenginerod Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:24 pm

Ken Cook wrote:         Anvil launching, hahaha that's pretty funny. Like something from a Roadrunner cartoon. ACME Anvil.

I don't want to distract from Rusty's woes, but why would you do that with an anvil? They must be an awful lot easier to get over there. Out here, if you manage to find an anvil for sale, the next step is to go get a bank loan to be able to afford it. I'd love one to use, not launch, but good size ones can go for 1,000s
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Post  Dave P. Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:03 pm

It's something they invented in Lampasas Texas to kill time between dove and deer seasons.
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